Any good deals? I'm at Best Buy and I'm the first one there waiting in line. Why is that? I'm kinda worried there is no good deals. I want to get 49inch toshiba for my grandma.
You need a life, it's only Wednesday. Maybe try getting a job then you don't need to waste a week in line to get a deal.
u gonna talk about deals with other companies on kaw oh no this gonna get locked go type up black Friday deals in Google though ata don't want things that font help them in threads and forums
Reggie ur a idiot. I'm not promoting or talking about a third party app, am I? I'm just talking about Black Friday.
If ur sad ass is already in line why would u care. And if ur 16 who r your pos parents lol. U need a gf. A life. And new parents
I would be on the lookout for the Brack Fwiday Bunduru. Its said the be one of the best deals at Best buy this year!
Take the money, buy a prepaid MasterCard and buy your Grandma a nice T.V. online during Cyber Monday deals
Hmm..for an offer of $150, you may have a good way to make some quick money during the Holiday season. Personally, I think you are out of your mind if you pass that up.
Black Friday is just another commercialized con n better deals online if u hunt for them. Electronics is marked up huge sold retail. I hunt the best retail price then go online for 40-50% cheaper before I'd buy. My last example 3-4yrs ago was a top of the line 55inch Samsung 3D HDTV for $2000 all in. Same TV on display as a demo 9mths later at BestBuy was $3400 before taxes. I have not bought any electronics retail in 4yrs. Online avoids getting gouged i find. Consumers decide price points n i refuse to pay retail ever til it meets my price. GL Ops