Bishop_the_Corruptor Birthday!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Sage-, May 29, 2015.

  1. In recent years, I've become some what of a celebrity at the hands of this guy's trolling. You all might have seen him wishing me a happy birthday in wc daily, sometimes even more than once in a day, asking for well wishes on my new baby (that I didn't have), and get well wishes for a gender reassignment gone wrong. And wc, being the troll lovers they are, always oblige him by posting my wall. So today, I'm calling the trolls to troll the troll! Wish Bishop_the_Corruptor a happy birthday!! He turns 49 today!

    Please be careful how you address him, as he has also been known to get ppl silenced for saying his nickname in wc. I will be celebrating by giving him a few bars, and I know he'd love yours too!!
  2. Its not my fault your outie to innie surgey ended up looking like a pipe bomb explosion...
  3. Also if anyone cares to look at my wall you will find many examples of said bypass of my name...cough...mods...cough