biggest bully of the year

Discussion in 'Wars' started by frostynuts, Nov 26, 2014.

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  1. Troll you Stupid motherfucker farming people after the event since we take 200 shards from you per hit pathetic faggit must be top 10 nobody likes your whining and complaining in forums your just a worthless piece of **** that needs to die in a hole right at this moment and I know why kotfe let you in because they are babies just like you are case closed babies just li
  2. You should be more straight forward like this. Go kill yourself
  3. He is a bully for hitting someone after the event? It isn't even over.
  4. Really? Thats so inappropriate.
  5. Please do not threaten anyone in our little place called KaW, nor wish death upon them. Do so again and face meh ban hammah.

  6. Dude **** off. Also last I checked this was against TOU

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