Big Volley

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by hophopkangaroo123, Nov 11, 2011.

  1. I need a big volley guys. I'm about 30 bill. Great stats. The goal is to get me to 100 bill. I'm very active. You won't regret having me.


    Attack: 100,940 Defense: 84,540
    Spy Attack: 207,900 Spy Defense: 207,900


    As of 11-12-11

    Attack: 100,940 Defense:: 84,540
    Spy Attack: 256,500 Spy Defense: 256,500
  2. I could find an ally that costs 1-2 bil with your stats..
  3. Okay maybe a bit more, but still.
  4. Whats the name then
  5. 100 bil? That's rather high for your stats. You're already overpriced as it is.
  6. If you're that big in size, then you can get your own money through EB.
  7. That is just your opinion. Some say I'm under
  8. I'm not looking for money through the volley. Just need my max ally plunder to go up
  9. (/).-) your max ally plunder will go up of you upgrade buildings through money through an EB.
  10. Oh shut up
  11. What difference would that make? Your hire price doesn't effect you.
  12. One factor is hire price
  13. ONE factor.

    Idiot. Just get money to buy buildings.
  14. Your not worth your current cost and you want to cost more. Yep your a noob
  15. @noob.... OP,
    You have 100k attk stats, and cost 30b? I have twice your attk stats and cost half of what you do. You ARE overpriced.
  16. @A_Z

    Actually, although the OP is overpriced.. You're even more so. He's got better stats than you, and costs less. Don't call someone a noob when you don't have your facts straight.
  17. isn't this just you begging to get hired
  18. Your messed up. Why would you need a volley? Get your own cash
  19. No one is going to waste 70bil so you get 15 bil