This post is made to discuss and hopefully to get the devs thinking about my issue. I m sure im not the first one talking about it but as far as im concerned there aint no similar thread about it. Im just wondering what could be the intention in lowering the ally-plunder when upgrading the t6 - Spy-buildings. I dont know how it works for atack-buildings - maybe its the same problem but what i definetily know is that for big spies (my main for example) the plunder will begin to drop drastically when upping t6 to lvl2 and lvl3 after a small number of upgrades. Where is the Logic in here? And what intention could be behind the idea to make plunder worse for taking the huge effort in upping t6? I know that this inflicts only the lower tier ebs and with tsg and smoke for example plunder still raises. But still im feeling very uncomfortable with this. Haunting the escape for example: plunder drops when upping t6. Does this make sense and what do others think of this? I mean Im talking about Hansels! Its a built-type that is in disadvantage anyway: A HLBC Hansel costs more than any HLBC atack-built and what do you get for it? - less combined stats and so also a much worse ranking in LB! Why is that? I mean i always loved the Hansel-builts for its mechanics and the great plunder you can do with them. So I could ignore the fact that they get less cs and worse rankings! But now that the gh was "fixed" and the plunder drops when upping t6 im feeling a bit strange. Just wanted to hear what others think of this and in the best case: what the devs have to say about it. (Although i guess they will never comment ) Cheers
Im actually looking forward to a coherent explanation from someone who will know. Unfortunetly thats not me. I was a hansel till moth even ended. Have done b2b escapes and converted all Now all i have left is HF since their all at lvl 1 well. I want to know this bc it will affect me too as i upgrade Lets hope we get a good answer
@ kwency: Noone was talking about towers . It is clear and logic that towers suck plunder and i guess noone wanted to discuss this. This thread is about t6 spy-buildings and why they drop plunder when upping them.
You are getting "too strong" for those ebs therefore plunder drops, try buying a cheap ally, plunder should drop too
Mistakes happen, I with draw my comment on the grounds that I've only upgraded one t6 spy build to lvl2 an didn't lose plunder. Plus I'm not a Hansel. Happy kawing
Is your end payout more? With everything I've read and understood about hansles is that upgrading will drop plunder but end payout is more
Weird my plunder goes up slightly when upgrade building to level 3 and 2 I'm not a true Hansel might be why.
In fact, this phenomenon is true for any build halfway through upgrading Hoarfrost. I di experience it, even when adding new buildings. This is explained by the plunder curve of ebs. Take one eb and put your stats on the x-axis and the corresponding plunder on the y-axis. The plunder goes up to reach a maximum and to decrease afterwards. When that maximum is reached (at what stats) will depend on the eb. I am pretty sure you have seen your plunder drop on haunting and HTE while upgrading. You simply are getting too strong for that tier of ebs and the resulting plunder decreases with strength from that point on. However, your plunder on the highest tier of ebs (Smoke Signals) will increase while upgrading. And it slowly closes in on the plunder you get from HTE.
While in osw, I. Upgraded a frost tree lvl3 and had a plunder drop in escapes, as well as steals from opponents. Quite disappointed as logic dictates more spies, bigger steals...
My plunder drops when upgrading att builds as well. I upgrade Elgin temples to lvl 3 and lost a few 100k every upgrade. So it's not just spy buildings it's all t6 builds. I didnt even notice until I was upgrading to lvl 3. It really hirts since I lost me ee bonus
Hehe kassio thanks for the explanation. As it was expectable your comment is qualified and scientific as usual . But my question wasnt really aiming on the mechanics but on the purpose or the reason... Im mean it more simple: Is it cool that plunder drops while strength is growing? Mechanics could be changed if everybody would agree in this is unlogic and uncool . For example they could increase the units t6 buildings produce. Or maybe something Different. Anyway thanks for bringing this up.
Level 3 makes you lose substantially. If level 4 will do the same, I don't understand the point to continue upgrading. We've spent trillions for pay to go up, not down.
Think of it as the difference between hitting a Warbeasts as a hlbc build compared to a llbc build. As you get bigger, the lower tier ebs pay less and less. As for upgrading spies and gaining less in osw it's the same principle, as you've got stronger your opponent may have stayed the same therefore you're hitting a weaker build than before you upgraded. Therefore the higher tier ebs and a larger player should pay higher as you upgrade.