Every osw has its curious noobish actions, but none are so irritating than big hitter builds who look around for hansels to unload on. Denied their chance to do EBs, these builds still try to make money in an osw. So instead of hitting the big CA targets they are supposed to be hitting, they go around searching for unpinned hansels. Their logic is simple. They will most likely win against the Hansel, and they can save their precious attack pots. If they took on the enemy big builds like they are supposed to, they stand a good chance of losing their precious gold if their attack is defeated, or the enemy starts to farm them back. Hitting the Hansel is safer. What these attack-build osw noobs don’t realize, is that while they are helping themselves, they are most likely hurting their own clan. The Hansel probably has little gold to take with no dp to burn, and you did him a favor by pinning him. Now he can go around the war stealing whoever he likes without fear of the enemy. After all, he is pinned. This is most damaging in a multi-clan war like this where a Hansel is a strip target. One clan just spent billions, perhaps trillions, stripping the Hansel, just to have some idiot attack build from an allied clan pin the Hansel that was the strip target. Nice going, noob! So my advice to big attack builds enjoying their first osw: Look at the clan ca or talk to the clan war commanders. Find out the builds they want you to attack and pin and stick to that. That unpinned Hansel you see might be a tempting target to quick gold, but your selfishness will most likely cost your clan in the long run. End of Rant.
It's a bold strategy, not attacking who you're warring, lets see how it plays out. You sound like someone specifically is doing this, and you really hope they are in forums.
Not really. I just see this a lot. Several players do this. I've seen strips ruined by this, and it happens a lot in these multi-clan osw.
Ideally, but it's better to self pin on a hansel than a quest if you need to. Also for getting max plunder again rather than selling pots for it.
A real rant is why devs didn't fix the hansel dtw mechanism toward attack builds in EE wars. They claim to want Non dtw if they have full troops out, yet only rag on tower builds. Effing epic /Endrant
Yafi always self-pinned on the ebs, not the enemy. They loved to irritate their enemies showing they could finish ebs while their enemy failed. :lol: Also, if you are not sure what your allied clans are doing, best not to pin a target you may be stripping.
@ Storm the hansel mechanism has been broken a long time. Way before EE's came along. It is the reason Kaw is more of a "kingdoms at spying" than a "kingdoms at warring".
Note: Phil's main is a hansel. Note2: Phil is butthurt day 7 of this war Note2.2: Phil may actually have to fight this time instead of talking **** about the war he's not in. Be prepared for 17 more threads today.
lol I was actually hoping to see what you had to say, swabia. No not really buthurt. Just wanted to talk strategy for a change.
These threads started out a good read, now they're just annoying as ****. Stop posting for abit, then come back.
Hitting hansels forces them to bank their gold, while also providing easy money to restock spy attack pots, as in OSW most actions are a complete loss in gold.
The problem here is allied clans not talking. Nothing wrong in repotting during a osw and if clans fighting in the same side organised properly then hitting a hansel would be fine unless ca said not to
When I was in the war, I had players with 4m attack and 3.5m defense, 1m spies cs hitting me. About 4-5. It was very sad and quite pathetic really, and I laughed to myself after I pinned each one if them. They underestimate the hansel build
I see what you are saying philo and am kinda stunned that these "osw vets" don't. Why do attack builds do that? Why are they pinning on hansels in the first place. Attack builds troops should go to hitting other attack builds in osw. Leave the hansels for other hansels to pin on and quit takin the easy gold. It's more about what these guys make than it is about what the other side loses. That's not how osw should be fought. It's basically an hlbc build going after number 83 in roster just because it's an easy win. The whole "repot" theory goes out the flipping window. An attack build makes 50m per hit from pin. So u can use pots to attack and make more than enough to replace those pots. It's greed. Like philo said it's not helping your team, it's being selfish and greedy. So u pinned a hansel. Good job. Not only have u cut off a way for a hansel on your side to make gold, you have allowed am attack build on their side to make 65-80m per hit that u didn't whack from him. Good job nOobs. Good rant philo. Some nOobs will never learn bro
I thought he was gonna rant about bigger hansels than him hitting him thus 'forcing' him to drop his attack building and roll over into pure spy mode and valiantly burn a couple pots.
No no let the attack builds do it!!! Speaking from the hansel point of view I love attack builds that do that. 1. Helps track strip times 2. Uses their troops so that I use less spies to keep them pinned. 3. Drops their troop count so that other hansels can attack and sometimes win against those builds! Please keep doing what your doing, we love it!
Your missing another variation on the reasoning. Attacking kills troops so a scout bomb would kill the hansel. Assassinations trigger the enemy pots. Making an already target incredibly hard. So you have someone attack the hansel. Following with a scout bomb(triggering no pots) and you pin the hansel swiftly. This has worked in EE unless they use towers as well. Then it's just hansel against hansel nothing an attack can do to help.
I can't get hate if they wanna take a few hits, a good hansel should stay dtw with troops anyway, but still there are those times we hansels slip up and ! But I do agree big attk builds should stay on target