Discussion in 'Wars' started by Narcissist, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Black Hand (BH) was once the best war clan ever to meet KaW. Orriginated by Disfinctional and many old iG members. I was an oroginal BH member.

    Now it is sad to see what it has become. This is why war has been declared. Kingdoms of Lust is where this will be held. It is obvious this is official "smack talk",troll,Tell when you "pin" me thread.

    Come at me "BH". You are not wht we used to be you are a disgrace.

  2. Thank you for making yet another unnecessary thread.
  3. you ought to use zhuro, bro.
  4. Let the trolling games begin.
    May the odds be ever in your favor.
  5. Not trolling just saying, your an idiot. 1v1 can be fought without 10 threads
  6. You are fighting a spy clan, without a single spy building?, GENIUS!!!!
  7. Spy clan my ass
  8. No offense erok, but I have many friends in BH that earned their spot.
  9. 2 threads and this is not 1v1
  10. Sorry, I didn't realize this was English class.
  11. Just saying, if you call someone else an idiot, at least use the right form of "your/you're". It takes away from the credibility.
  12. I was in white hand during regs war._.
  13. Lol I'm in. XD
  14. I know how to use proper grammar. I just do not care enough to type properly on KaW.
  15. Yep same as pup
  16. Cool story bro.
  17. Good practice to use good english.

    But BH isn't the clan it used to be, i gotta agree. That doesn't mean that they suck, just the way they conduct business is different.
    IIIII-BlackHand_of_Satan-IIIII, however, i never liked. a self centered douche, imo. But, as i said before, i don't have to like them to know if they can war or not, but he can war. This i know. But he's just a total ***** about it.
    Erok, is a good friend of mine. My faith in him is great, and i know he can war. Circumstance isn't his friend, though. He's got no spy buildings, and is too proud to admit this mistake.

    Let's see how this goes.