BH vs Res OSW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *BaM_BaM-_-Gigolo-llIllllIIIlIl (01), May 28, 2012.

  1. Got a Great tip off that
    Kreuzritter/K r e u z r i t t e r Joining there alliance BH in war vs Res
    Remember u heard it here first ;)
  2. Why post with an alt?
  3. Remember, I didn't care first!
  4. I probably won't remember...or care.
  5. freshly stripped allies buy them as I strip them600 billion and downkeep me stripping
  6. Nah really bh/ k never heard dat
  7. @biscuit which ones
  8.  mr biscuit I love you  
  9. Latest bit of info fresh from the horses. Mouth Kreutzritter and urban killers join BH in war vs Res Remember folks u heard it here first ;)
  10. They R joining tomorrow apparently
  11. A marketing guru, this one.

    Might need a bit of an overhaul of the campaign, though.
  12. whats with BH , never heard of their OSW lol
  13. Is res resilience?
  14. BH? What's BH?
    Never heard of BH.
  15. Search it on Google :)
  16. Definition for BH: Bloody Hell.
    Can I have that in a sentence Plz?
    Bloody Hell there goes my magic wand.
  17. Urban Killers isn't really a threat to Res... Kreutzritter moreso.

    Welcome to the party- I've been bored with this war for about 3 days now.
  18. [​IMG]

    I'm a bit confused lol