[BH] The New Year: A Declaration Of War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Reid, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. The ReBels a marching, The ReBeLs a marching, The ReBeLs are marching to war.

    The world is falling, the world is falling, we won't be ruled anymore.

    The end is coming, the end is coming, here's a taste of what's in store.

    When The ReBeLs come marching to war, yes The ReBeLs come marching to war.

    Sometimes in the course of game wide events, it is necessary for one group to dissolve any semblance of peace with another group, to take up arms against the aforementioned foes, and to brutally and honestly list their grievances and what the repercussions will be. Such a time has once again found it's way to KaW, something we can hold evident by the very nature of this declaration. Our grievances against the members of Black Hand are as follows:

    Now we hold these truths before you as evidence that Black Hand has become the very thing it once despised, an arrogant, high strung group dedicated solely to their own benefit, having no moral ground, having no call to action, having no honesty and unwilling to be straightforward and start a war. We refuse to be held at bay by the disguise of friendship any longer. With the posting of this declaration we are at war, with the hits being sent, already sent, and to come we will continue to send our message until it is heard loud and clear, so you may want to put on your glasses.

    Together we sign on to affirm that we are one in this endeavor, pledging our accounts, our allies, our potions and our gold to the cause. Until either victory or defeat nullifies this arrangement:

  2. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    I want to open with an apology to the friends I have affected by this, but it is just a game and I'm sure we'll get over it. If not. Oh we'll. we'll have some fun bashing each other. Now let's move on

    It's fairly obvious by now what's going on. We opened with a strip on the last day of the year, so we could start 2015 off right, by going to war with Black Hand. We aren't here to get exorbinet cf demands or any real obvious victory. We were wronged. And our response is to fight. Admitably we were wronged a time ago, but we were previously engaged in a seperate war, and now that were free we felt it was time to act upon these actions. Wars are fun, not always meant to have a purpose. This has both.

    To the ReBeLs. Stay classy as you can here. Forum threads are fun, feel free to make slight idiots of yourself. But don't go to far.

    To the guests who will read this. Ask questions, have opinions, argue. But don't be a baby. If you talk. You'll be responded to in whatever manner the rest of us desire. And some people may be hit by either side for their comments as is prone to happen in these threads

    To BH. Good luck, good fun, see you all here, in our news, and after the war when I'm sure we'll make up
  3. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

  4. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    disban both clans. I cant even read to see who is warring.
  5. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    I CANT READ A THING THAT SAYS!!! Did my BB code guide teach you nothing ???
  6. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    Ooh its against BH... Niceeee. Good luck.
  7. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    I have never read your BBCode guide. I realize the gray is a tad hard to read. It will be getting an update to a lighter gray soon.
  8. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    A TAD??? Lets be real.
  9. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    I can read it fine on my device, but some devices may have darker screens.
  10. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    Checked on iPhone4 and galaxy s5. Both show up fine
  11. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    Ok come on, you can fade to black on a smoke black screen.
  12. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    Alright, let's stop talking about BBCodes.

    They will be fixed by tomorrow.
  13. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    saw this coming.
  14. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    People sometimes forget that this is a game and this is not a 'war effort'. Your playing a virtual game, by hitting other players on the virtual game. As beautiful as this looked this wasn't needed. This is meant to be a fun game and this thread shows that this game is taken way to seriously. Nevertheless, good job OP. Nice effort.
  15. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    I find it hard to read.
  16. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    Please read my previous posts.
  17. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    Support black hand sucks
  18. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    Weren't you just there, trying to get an interview?
  19. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    A war game. It's meant to be fun. This is a thread much like the earliest war declarations you'll find from kaw. We'll written. Molded after important documents. With reasons and a story. You may not appreciate it. But for me and mine, and some older BH. It will bring back memories of our earlier days, which many of us remember fondly.
  20. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    No support.