Is there a calculator to work out total strength based upon your stats, BFE, BFA and % bomus items ? Could somebody explain how they all add up together ? I remember I was told BFA adds 2 % of their stats to your stats. Is the BFE the same ie 2 % ? Do the % increase from pro-packs and achievements all stack together ? Hope somebody can explain.
Lol whoever started the bfa is 2% thing needs to explain that its 2% for a CS equivalent. The full amount o BFA goes into your raw stats.
BFE and BFA...Take 2% of the stats giving and throw that on your BTA. That's what your stats look 'hiding'. The % from pro packs...Take whatever % you have a bonus of, and take that % of however high your strength is at that point and add it to your stats. This bonus changes depending on your troop/spies strength.
They the percentage based pro-packs and items stack together in the sense that you add them together first then take the percentage of your building stats. (Building stats(1 plus %bonuses including clan bonus))plus bfe plus bfa = total raw stats.
Thanks for the quick reply. By stats do you mean the first section as shown on idevice the figure in millions which shows a ***** / ***** for atk strength, defense strength etc ?
The huge white numbers under "your stats" in your profile would be your raw stats. The green numbers under "your ally stats" would be your Bonus To Ally stats (BTA). Those are 2% of your raw stats. BFE (bonus from equipment) as well as BFA (bonus from allies) are given out in raw stats, so you'd need to divide those numbers by 50 to compare them to your BTA stats, the stats that people use (as it is the only one they see) to evaluate your size. PS: I did such a calculator some time ago... might publish it soon.
Exactly, mikes. You might also consider pots and mithril spells as a kind of BFA. They all add up. Propacks as well as reset bonus and % equipment are calculated based on raw stats and thus depend on your troop levels.
The percentages stack together and you're right the bfa only give 2% to your cs. However if you look in your profile and you know the way it says like 28 mill troop attack or whatever? That's what bfe actually bonus and your combined stats are 2% of them