So this is just a topic I'd like to bring up once again, hopefully getting the attention of devs to make changes in Estoc matching system. As i asked at the start of the season "Wouldnt the first clans to win and gain this monster mith equip always have the advantage throughout the season?" It is painfully obvious that it does in fact make a huge difference in the outcome of the war. I understand its late in the season, but just for future consideration, perhaps include Bonus from Equipment in the matchup. I would suggest to lock equip at time of match-up, and it will make for much more balanced, even war.
i'm still annoyed that people that never used their mith for osw's; back when the people that were active on during the random mith sales could stockpile huge piles of the stuff, got equipment right of that bat. while i didn't get squat because i used mine to fight. but the devs are not known for their foresight. or being able to make a well balanced pvp experience.
This has been said time and time again .. Nothing is going to change this season this late. Secondly it's a problem only until everyone has the equip which will happen in time. What's the point of earning the equip of it doesn't make you better. Strategy can overcome it ..
yeah, i understand there are a lot of factors, but at least a ballpark range would be nice. Otherwise these one sided wars will continue, especially with the guild hansel exploit and bfe.
Ya I have no shortage of mith equip Because I work hard to put together a winning team. Yes I want to be rewarded for that effort and be stronger. I don't see why anyone would blame me.
Also a point I raised on other thread. Lvl 50 rancor is supposed to be had to achieve. Only too players and clans get it. It SHOULD be exclusive to those people. If you can't beat them, your not good enough. Obviously...
Equip needs to be the advantage, I mean c'mon no one wants the matches to be exactly fair , it would be boring,
Support op, and wordwaster. And to anyone saying use strategy to overcome better equipment, why not say use strategy to overcome equal or similar equipment?
and shouldnt your winning team have a challenge? or would you rather get matchups where you dominate with your equip and continue to mith farm? :lol:
Including bfe won't cause no matchups it will get clans correctly matched up and on a more even playing field. That is what strategy comes into play not when a clan is vastly out matched. Being out matched doesn't allow a better strategy to win sometimes that's impossible.
You put the effort in like everyone else and you'll get equipment. You lose because people put the effort in, and your not good enough to get 50 rancor. Your rancor level is a representation of your skill.
You have bad equip and in a clan with bad equip who only wins 50%, your deserve to only get 25 rancor.
worm every clan puts forth an effort in war, and i understand what you are saying. Obviously clans with level 50 rancor are the clans that win often and are well organize and have great strategy. But thats not the point of this thread whatsoever. It's about fair matching.
You can see many of our wars are a challenge the matchups are random often we are at a weaker strength and at a member disadvantage. People are too busy complaining about the equip to see the real issue is that not enough clans to have all close matches. Many clans sign up and get crushed when matched up against experienced war clans and stop warring. If we had 200 clans sign up matched would be closer and this wouldn't be an issue.. But few people want to dedicate the time , xtalls, and have the talent to have a well put together war clan. Equip is not the issue here