Question. How much of the bfa that appears on my profile affects any attack I make? Sorry if this is in the wrong place or if it's been asked before
Your bfa won't affect your hits, its still low. You have like 200b bfa, to see it actually affect your hits you need trillions.
I did notice something though, because my bfa attk stats are over 2m and I can hit haunt without pots. Is this affecting that, or is this equip? Only attk building I have is a lvl 2 colony
The bfe from your shield is probably giving you the most help. It's just under the same attack as 3x coe
.2% would be a multiplier of .002 and if it's .02% the multiplier would be .0002 which I think are both incorrect. .2 sounds legit which = 20%
None of you guys know anything about what you guys are talking about. First, it is 2%, or multiply by .02 or divide by 50 to show how much it would add to your cs if it did effect it. Which it doesn't. Second, you don't have "200b bfa" what the hell is 200b bfa? You have an exact bfa that is added directly into your raw stats(but doesn't show on profile). Now to answer your question, your hit strength is the strength of your current army plus your bfa and BFE plus your flag plus any items you use plus your total attack % bonuses(% of your raw stat). So your bfa effects your hit strength depending on how much you have, and you don't need to get 2% of it to find out how much it effects your attacks, because your hit strengths aren't static.
Op, I have no idea how you made sense of any of the posts before mine. None of them answered your question and no one had a clue what they were talking about. @monster, dude bfe and bfa are two different bonuses, and the shield is even more different because it is a %.
Thank you Jac! That makes the most sense I've seen from anything posted. My question I was trying to ask is-are my allies stats added onto mine?
When you hire an ally, it won't affect the number that other people see on your profile, your bta. However, it will be added onto your overall strength when attacking and defending.
It's also important to know that how much money you have in allies does not measure how much stats you receive from allies. When you click the allies tab, it gives you numbers. Divide those by 50 to see how much combined stats they give you as a bonus The reason you divide by 50 is because they are in power format instead of stat format. So if anyone ever says you only receive 2%, they are wrong because you receive all of the bonus. You just have the bonus in separate formats and stats format is what everyone uses nowadays. If you have any questions just ask on forums Jac and I are here to help lol