bfa equals what really?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Tindris, Oct 29, 2013.

  1. Bfa equals what? For example if i have 5 million spy attack bonus from allies, how many guild or sos etc would that equal? I have searched Forums with no luck really. Understood though that 5 million spy def bonus from allies would equal roughly one spy def fortress lvl 3 (temple of clarity) and in numbers 1/50 of bfa stats. But in real spy/atk buildings? Anyone have the answers and/or can refer to any forum post about the details? I am sure many with me would like to know. Thanks in advance
  2. If you know bfa is 1/50 of actual stats just look up the builds in wulfs guide and do the calculations. It's not too difficult to do.

    See the stats of a building, multiply it by 50, and then see what it equals if in bfa form
  3. Ty for reply. So is it correct then that to have spy bfa to match one sos lvl3, you would need 129920 x 50 = 6496000 spy attack bfa ? The 1/50 is a number ive "heard", not even absolutely sure its correct.
  4. to see what it gives to your bta? the stats everyone sees on profiles that is.

    that is 1/50, it goes to your actual stats on your profile. take all your bfa/50 and that is how much normal stats youre getting off it