BFA Cap needed in indy wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Davey_Jones, Feb 12, 2015.

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  1. Like Sargent slaughter?
  2. It'll be just like that gif.
  3. I agree with this as they are getting destroyed atm. That's a great example to why it needs a cap because a few ally LB can throw the indi. Support
  4. Blame RedStar. His bfa forced you guys to get the weaker lb lol.
  5. It does same thing if any of the top ones cast alone Val.

    I'm not even warring, just laughing at the match.
  6. I agree as well .......  ... sh still in Indy --Spyke-- in big roster
  7. Just a tad of a mismatch lol
    If nothing else Round Wars show us match up issues.
    IWar can at least be used as means to try new ideas.
    Primals r cs vs cs n r ok
  8. When I saw the title I was expecting a huge decrease in how much bfa we're allowed in indi, but the 400t sounds fair enough
  9. Anyone toss me a few Hun million bfa pls
  10. Statless alt has no say 

  11. I agree with troll - there should be a BFA cap in indy wars

    I feel cappin it in terms of gold value is tricky. I think it might b better served to cap in terms of categories.

    How about 400m cap per category (attk, def, spy attk and spy def)? I think after each season the cap can be raised 5%.

  12. I mean of course capping it in gold wouldn't work.

    I didn't set a cs value, but it would have to be decided in cs.

    400t gold is approximately top 10 ally lb, that's why I set that number. Above that is where the problem occurs.
  13. Well you'd have to take it up with the top 10 ally lb. I'm not sure they'd be too happy us mere scrubs deciding wether or not their hard earned bfa is capped.
  14. Oh troll don't get me started on this topic again lol - don't cap just create divisions. I've heard all the arguments that there isn't enough who war - there was season one then devs made ee transportable and due to bfe equipment being fixed based we saw gh etc. if it is fixed more will war and can have divisions with half decent wc etc and if there isn't enough players just drop ee - I'm not suggesting to drop it I just believe it's an argument that shouldn't be considered.
  15. They're better off having it capped than getting destroyed every time they cast for indy because they have the next 5 biggest lb against them.

    Plus everyone else on their side gets ****** too.
  16. Top 10 lb do not AUTOMATICALLY create an insurmountable mismatch every time they cast -- but it does make a mismatch MUCH more likely. For example, I have warred with Cella and we won even though the other side had many more LB players (yes, I know that is anecdotal but roll with me here).

    I think the large LB players understand that their sheer awesomeness in terms of BFA creates mismatches. I also think that they would prefer a fair fight, rather than one where the tables are usually turned against them.

    Consequently, I support the idea of a BFA cap to allow all people to participate and have a fair shot at winning. However, what that cap should reasonably be in terms of power --- well I'll leave that to people much smarter than me.


  17. That's why I said 400T Kage. It's still a huge amount of bfa which the majority of players have no hopes of hitting, but will also greatly decrease chance of mismatch.
  18. Suppport

    Ind match mechanics have recently been changed and not or the best
    Since top 10 lb are probably the ones spending the highest amount of money on this game and letting many others play for free, i only find it fair to let them have the opportunity to have a fair match in ind war like any other player.
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