bfa and equipment

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TribalRyze, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. i saw from a forum post that equipment eg. hooves 700k divide by 50. how about other equip that gives % how is that counted. for bfa is it the allies' stats divide by 50 too then i can equate it to my raw stats thanks.
  2. % bonus equipement is counted as either your normal stats or your bonus to allies. ex. it can add 5,000,000 to your normal 100,000,000 stats if it's 5% or it can 100,000 to your 2,000,000 bonus to allies stats.
  3. Take your bfa or raw stats or eb items or pots and times by 0.02 or divide by 50 to give a bta value. Otherwise they are just shown as raw stats.
  4. Equipment and permanent items do NOT increase your BFA or your bonus to allies stats.
  5. I'm guessing he means bta/bfa values. To work out your question, take the % bonus is gives you and apply it to the specified stat. In you profile it shows you your raw stats regardless so apply the % bonus to that. If you want to know it in bta values then apply it to your bta value. simples 