Better- Free Verse

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheNeo, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. It's been a long time since I've written. Here's a rough spur of the moment free verse. I didn't edit it, so as said its not very refined. But here goes.

    Yesterday I was a little less certain than I am today.
    As time draws past and I wander further down my path I grow ever more determined.
    I don't know what the future holds for me, but the future knows not what I hold for it.
    My resolve, sometimes wavering, in the end holds true. Day by day I move a step forward toward my goal.
    Yesterday I was weaker. Weaker of mind and soul. Yesterday I was not so wise.
    A weak mind and a weak heart can be the end of a man. Yesterday, mine were weaker. They will not be my end.
    I do not let those around me guide my eyes or take focus from my task. I don't worry over the accomplishments of others. I embrace their achievements for joyfully. I aim not to be the best. I aim only to be better. A better me tomorrow than I was today.
    Tomorrow I will be better.
  2.  great
  3. Touching
  4. That's great Ahdragos..

    Thank you for sharing man. I can definetly relate and will take your words into consideration.
  5. Ahdragos, I didn't know you were so feminine