Best yu gi oh card

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *gamerboy3890 (01), Dec 27, 2010.

  1. What do u think is best yugi oh card ever
  2. black luster soldier envoy of the beginning

    it can kill the crimson dragon
  3. They banne him from any tournament.

    Best legal card is dragon master knight, but even if you can get your hands on it, good luck getting 3 blue eyes white dragons, a polymerization, a black luster soldier, and a blue eyes ultimate dragon.

    The ultimate dragon has to be on the field.
  4. BLS-EOB is now unbanned. It is now just limited. As well as CE-EOE
  5. I choose....PIKACHU
  6. The 3 Egyption gods
  7. I say black luster soldier because I own two of them lol