Best Way To Convert From Guild To SOS?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by t-_-t, May 27, 2012.

  1. My question is whats the best way to convrt fom Guild to SOS

    is it a simple take down a guild and replace it with a sos 1by1?


    The save gold and do a huge coversion?

    keep in mind sos has been proven to drop plunder. also any other good facts about converting or sos please fell free to share your knowledge. :ugeek: Done Be Stingy

    Happy Kawing :D
  2. Huge conversion,

    And it does drop plunder, it just puts it somewhere else
  3. My preferred method is to convert each guild 1 by 1 to lvl 1 SOS then go through after done converting and upgrade them to lvl 2 1 by 1 then lvl 3
  4. Gimme a sec to bump something. Then you can lock this thread.