Best time to convert to OSF

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by KingGRG_II, Dec 18, 2010.

  1. When is the best time to convert to osf? At certain stat levels, right?
  2. After lc
  3. Some say LC but I did it at the 1.2bill land which made LC a piece of cake
  4. Both wrong^^^^build 1 l3 beast and the rest level 3 cathedrals till 200m land is next to buy. Before purchasing flip all cathedrals to level 3 guilds, leaving only the bestiary. After all are flipped, continue purchasing new lands and building lvl 3 guilds till 900m land becomes available. before purchasing that land, upgrade all guilds to level 4. Then purchase remaining lands adding a lvl 4 guild to each land you buy till lc. Then flip your bestiary to a guild level 4 and boom, 324k osf. This is the most efficient way to build a 324k...and anyone who wants to say otherwise can let me know why in which I will counter with why they are wrong. I did mine (umadbro) in about 14 days hitting pretty regular opens
  5. After lc
  6. Keep in mind I did mine before the other buildings had plunder effects/extra hits