Best t4 buildings?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Silentpulse, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. Hello fellow KaWers,
    A question on t4: Are CF, CoE, or TL the best choice? Why? I'm thinking CoE as it offers more total stats, however I'm open to what everyone else has to say. So...what do you think?
  2. Circle of elementals: more stats. It really depends what u do. U an eb fan or do u war?
  3. CoE is my choice, Just got 1 and it's great
  4. What stats are required to hit TGL? If its not that high, then I'm guessing CoE would be better because you don't need extremely high attack for ebs or wars
  5. CoE or die
  6. If you don't know if you want war or EBs go with Coe war TL and EBs CF
  7. I like TL myself because if your converting guilds to SoS the Titan lairs help lessen the loss of gold.
  8. I see what your saying omet, pretty good idea, I know that we can agree that CF is ultimately the worst one out of the three. Horrible plunder and less stats then coe.
  9. Yep. Cf is worst, and CoE is good if you don't mind plunder loss of converting Guilds, or if you don't plan on converting guilds (lol).
  10. Dude T4 sucks. I recommend lvl 2 stables for the mega-gold glitch
  11. Once you get to a certain size SOS gives more than guild
  12. 16 SoS plunder starts going up
  13. bacon posting false info can get u banned...