best t4 build/buildings

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ________God_Of_Olympus________, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. What is the best building in t4 to build? And is there a certain build out there that is better t4 build? Like an overall mix.
  2. All Stables.

    Best. Build. Ever.
  3. Each t4 building has it's own perk, which one is better well that's a matter of opinion.
  4. Different types of build can be better for different aspects of the game. Your build should be determined by what you want to do in the game.

    There is no right or wrong build (except mixing cf with titan) it is just your personal preference
  5. Please check Strategy in Forums, there's a guide by SexWulf which how's you all the building types, characteristics, troops, etc

    From here I can conclude that Circle of Elements (CoE) give you the best stats.
    It's a balanced building with equal attack and defense.
    It gives you an additional 2 atks, and you will of course be attacked a further two more times compared to others
    But CoE's attack stats can attack the cursed foundry (CF) and with pots and allies you can attack the Titan as well.
    With the addition of Defense Fortress you can guard against attacks by a CF.

    You're build should be a good mix of CoEs, Fortresses (Spy and Defense) and some Strongholds of Shadows

    But then again, what do you really want to be?

    A PWar only player
    A PWar and EB player
    A all rounded player into warring as well as PWars and EB
  6. Thizz tough my friend