Best Strategy

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *ewanakacartmanjr (01), Sep 3, 2012.

  1. What would you say is the best way to make Gold or the quickest way want to hear some peoples ideas Thank you
  2. Beg for hires in World Chat
  3. All defense towers.
  4. Eb's

    Only joking hit people off of battle list 10 times.
  5. Make like what cloud said all towers
  6. 1. Hit the home button
    2. Press KaW and hold for 5 secs
    3. Hit the little red button
  7. Convert all your build into stables level 1 and with your incredible stats you could hit The Gilded Lord.
  8. To make gold, but not to uphold the purpose of this game, EBs. Ally trading helps too. Lots of both.
  9. Buying nobs is the quickest war. Ally trading (if you're big enough and can afford nicely priced allies) and EBs are the fastest "free" way.
  10. Any Build is good at making plunder

    Pure Spy - Makes alot at wars
    Hansel - Makes alot in wars not sp much in ebs
    Hybrid- makes a lot in ebs not good in wars
    Attack- makes alot in ebs ok in wars
    Pure defense makes the most
  11. BUILD STABLES they offer great plunder.
  12. Stables lvl 2 are the best. Along with defense towers.
  13. Actually hansels revel more in Eb *and* war because of being able to pin troops and also able to steal certain ebs and assas