Best strategy for new comers.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *King_Piccolo (02), Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Hello new comers or silenced offenders, now im going to go over some strategies to keep u unsilenced. First of all your new right? You havent read the terms of service, lets face it nobody does.
  2. Cut post? Try not using the "&" if you did.
  3. But when you're unfamiliar with the rules u become a juiced up juice head and u strive for the upper hand even if youre right or wrong u will get
  4. i must be nobody
  5. Uhh most formers have read ToS and RoC
  6. Silenced anyways. For instance the mod might have a bad day or he might be only after u because he has friends that are being attacked by you. I should know this, this happened to me nonstop on party in my dorm. I created an account on here and stuck to my own business. Its better to not say a thing when somebody starts stuff with u. The only thing that wont get u silenced is good things to say! Example: hey thanks for attacking me I would have never found your clan. And yeah they get mad but youre in charge of the situation and being silenced. Moving on. People will farm you and talk crap to you, they expect you to get mad so they can get the best of u. Its easy to get mad, but its a long time to spend mad and silenced. Rember kindness bothers mad people even worse. Inbox me if you have questions. May peace be with u, power to the people
  7. Here's some advice for newcomers....

    Have 1 building and this much gold!

  8. Best strategy for newcomers is to delete the app
  9. True. Sort of. Not really.