I once read one of the quests has a higher drops rate, am I imagining this or is it true? If so which one is it? Thanks
Final quest. Enemy's Gate. Some say it's the lows ones because you can do it more, but it's actually the last one.
I'm going to tell you right now your not going to get many nobs from quests. I would just hit an eb instead, and if you really need nobs, buy them.
Its not that any quest has the best, its that you can spam the first one more because it takes the lowest amount of troops to do.
Platinum has it right. Nobs from quests take forever. It took me three months to get enough to name change from quests, so now I just buy them
The drop rate is the same, it's based on success. The first quest is the easiest, and uses less troops, which is why people do the first one
Hell you are wrong the chance a getting a nob is .97% or something and it doesn't stack. So if you do 10 quests it WONT mean that you now have a 9.7% chance on your 11th try.
Why don't you join toast and her quest research team? She's retesting her guide and redoing the math.
@Jelly, I dont see anywhere people mentioning that it stacks here. And the % is closer to around .2%. Last confirmed test was .23%
Tests being confirmed so far don't show the numbers being quite high, but it's not my call to share the numbers since its still being done. I'm at around 700 quests for the experiment and have 4 Nobs while others have hit 20 in 1100ish so it's just a typical probability RNG game you play for free Nobs. From my experience I've changed my name twice and it's all from free Nobs off the first quest in a couple days.