Best Quest for Farming Nobs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Rulerz-KRAYZEE_K1NG-Rulerz, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Hey everyone. As title says, I was wondering what everyone finds the best quest for nob farming. Thanks!!!
  2. First quest. Its easiest
  3. A couple threads down i mentioned this
  4. [​IMG] I like the first on
  5. First one. Do last one time to time
  6. @Dakiller

  7. Unloaded three times on first quest got nothing so far :(
  8. I PMed him that gif, gimme some credit. :p
  9. Personally, I have done the first quest over 15,000 times. Works like a charm.
  10. Personally, I do the 3rd quest "To Catch A Thief" I've done it a few thousand times and got tons of Nobs, an xtal too.