Best Paying EB For 6m CS

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Rulerz-KRAYZEE_K1NG-Rulerz, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. Hey everyone, I was wondering what the best paying EB is for a 6m cs player. I can attack all EBS so I was wondering what the best paying one would be. Thanks
  2. Just gonna go ahead and assume the new ones.
  3. Ok I think I will have to go with warbeasts ;)
  4. Maybe tfc if u can hit without pots
  5. Which it looks as if you're close
  6. TFC and the new eb. The pot stage in new eb is crazy for money
  7. Just stick to haunts...
  8. JOARTHE The Silver
  9. My Clan is making 600b Off of each EB. (Glacial Squall)
  10. I should stick to GS, TFC, FoD And Haunt. Those Will play good. If you hit the potion phases at GS, Haunt And FoD you Will get good $. Espessialy at GS.
    Hope I helped you with this.

  11. Depends on activity if you always get pots 1ht haunts otherwise tfc
  12. I would find a b2b FoD clan or if skimming att TFC otherwise pot cost will probably kill profit
  13. GS item phase pays an INSANE amount of gold.
  14. But you can only hit an average of 5-15 pots
  15. For your size I'd reccomend tfc or fod. Should be easy enough for you to skim and unload mostly without pots.
  16. TFC bro. But STP is great for a chance at Aqua and Inferno too. As its not hard.