Best Overall EE Player

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ctidwell111, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Like the other tracker and wc threads the purpose of this is to mention the elite players you have warred with or against. It could be someone who simply knows how to effectively use their build, to someone who plunders efficiently and often.
  2. I recognise your name :|
  3. Because there definitely aren't a ton of these threads already...
  4. Because there definitely aren't a tonne of fail trolls already...
  5. Rissa, Isolde. Basically most EE war clan owners. From what I've seen so far.
  6. Because there's definitely not enough comments like these lately...
  7. But you can't give one best player. There are too many people warring... But whatever.
  8. What is EE?
  9. I'm voting for <insert name of choice here>. <insert name of choice here> is so amazing. They know just how to plunder in a special way. <insert name of choice here> is always polite to WC and tracker. They do more than assist,<insert name of choice here> makes everyone around them better.

    I'm definitely voting for<insert name of choice here>.
  10. I dunno, but that Deadly guy really sucks.
  11. Spragga. Once saw him get over 9000 billion plunder
  12. Ironmaiden
  13. Lmao Saber.
  14. Because there's definetely nobody who cares about troll
  15. Saber that was per hit... I saw that fight and I lost a tril just from watching it
  16. All hail Spragga
  17. I'm gonna go with hatf1eld. Miss you.

    One of the best wc, best trackers, and good luck outperforming him no matter the circumstances
  18. Spragga ended up with over 1000T in that fight, he then gave that money to RedStar. Hence why he is #1 in Allie lb all thanks to spragga.

    All mighty Spragga I come onto thy today to beg you if may you please do this to me next!