In your opinion, what is the best MOBA out there, and why? (MOBA = Multiplayer Online Battle Area: A game which consists of a map and a number of teammates to fight off an enemy team and ultimately destroy their base)
CoD doesn't count as an MOBA, except for those weird Firemission stuff in Blops 2 that had some MOBA elements.
First person shooters aren't considered MOBAs for the most part. Seen a few rarities that fit both bills, but its not common by any means. Anyways, League of Legends for me, no substitutes.
Well I used to love Warcraft 3 Dota but now I play Dota 2. League is essentially the same but worse so yeah dota Come hate on me League fans cause you know it's true.
I don't hate you for your words, they don't mean anything, due mainly to the fact that they're false.
League of legends is by far the best moba and id push for best game but that's me The only thing holding league back is the players xD some of the players should just be shot in the head. I used to think this was only exclusive to league but upon playing smite, I was wrong. Smite has a very good concept but the gameplay lets it down so much that I just have to love league more. Smite is just boring. Dota.... Just looks pretty poor and cant lock camera which is annoying if you're looking across the map. Idk of any other mobas but am open to new ones
Dota> Dota2> everything else Anyone that says league is balanced is off their rocker. Take any dota 2 player and toss them in high elo league and they'll do fine, pro league players have tryed to convert to dota2 and went back. LoL is easier to grasp and has a much smaller learning curve which is why it's preferred by more casuals. Inb4LoLfanboys
^^ Inafterdotafanboys? They have their differences and own communities of players for those differences, you can't just flat out say one is definitely better, it's going to be different to others opinions.