Best Low Land clan

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by WhateverIsBestForMe, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. First round of war event is over i would like to Congrats all top 100 Warriors.The clans,warriors wc/trackers.Who helped them.This thread is about some few easy questions it will take min or two to answer them.As u have warred with many clans and Wc.Who u think is Top 3 Clans and Top 3 War Commanders of Low land wars.Thank you for your time.I Will be bringing out Interview of 3 warriors.2 form top 10 and 1 from top 100. Thank you
  2. Re: Best Low Lsnd clan

  3. Partially biased, but thegivingtree over at the stump yard has put together some pretty solid rosters and I've gone undefeated with them in lowland.
  4. pvp beasts
  5. KoTFE All Way
  6. best wc: kyle2006 and modern_altair annnnd muwarriorz
  7. I'm another fan of The Stump Yard, Can't argue with a 5-0 record after coming out of nowhere.
  8. Awdy for WC
  9. ZF Warriors went undefeated
  10. Stripped anyone tho, dirty tactics. Doesn't count.
  11. A wins a win no matter what tactics are used. Some may not like them ( myself included) but if it's available then people will strip lol. Learn from your mistakes and cost the 4 measly mith it costs to hide allies before war.
  12. Well if they played fair they would have lost 80% of Thier wars they have no OSW or ee tactics
  13. Zf warriors have only done 6 wars and have lost elsewhere.
  14. I'm only talking about this round though, and well just watch us in the next round and see how we do
  15. Pvp beasts 21-3 in part 1 event
  16. Kotfe only lost 4
  17. SILVER
  18. Ya Orange boys are the best EE clan IMO
  19. Templar elites