Best ebs for me and my alt

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iNTeR___Psycho-Humper___MaSS, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. So i was wondering what the best eb for me to make money on, I have 4.5mil cs and my alt has around 3mil cs?

    Sorry for any mistakes
  2. I hate this question
  3. Lol, nice spirit....:lol:
  4. Reserving 4 spots for a question thread? Weird…
  5. Look at Wulf's EB guide!
  6. 4 spots including your first post....
  7. But i didnt reserve that
  8. But you reserved it by posting there....
  9. Best money EB is haunting everyone knows that.
  10.  and @Zender does EB give recommended stats for each EB?
  11. For you alt haunting, for you check for a cod, FoD, toc, ng, ss or sr. If you can join any of those join a haunting
  12. Proper grammar states it should be "my alt and I."