Best EB to make money?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Sweet-Tea, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. What do you all suggest for my stats?
  2. I think they'd look great in a blouse and a skirt

  3. I was more thinking a man thong and a small white wife beater
  4. 
  5. Maybe a shaved head, wife beater, cargo shorts, and steel toe boots?
  6. High tops, speedo, goatee, bald, no eyelashes, and a hoodie?
  7. Add the stoner hat and its a sold deal.

  8. I get loads from the reckoning, if you are active and use loads of healing auras (worth it) Ive gotton a billion bonus and Dont know how much plunder, and im fairly new to the game!!!
  9. The reckoning gives me a huge bonus!
  10. My advice is to do the most difficult EB you can that does not require you to use pots
  11. Warbeast