Best EB for Locusts

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ITTI_CoTToN__ITTI__BuTToN_ITTI, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. what is the best EB to get locusts from on a per hour basis?
  2. That one eb
  3. I don't think it matters... I think it just matters how active you are
  4. City of the dead
  5. Depends on how active you are, I'd do COD for them.
    The amount you get depends on your build too, my Hansel alt gets double the pots from EB with less actions and it's only 2mil combined.
  6. Well I dont know but I got 8 from the destroyer
  7. Haunting !
  8. Haunting doesn't give pots, what are you talking about?
  9. I also
    Heard cotd gives best. Idk
  10. Destroyer and cod the best depending on your stats and activity
  11. The destroyer
  12. Seems like I get more from cotd
  13. COD is the best if your clan can knock them out quickly, as well as pots and the shield that drop, you also have a chance of getting a treasure drop, can't remember how much it is in COD, think its around 10bil.

    FOD treasure is usually around 15.5bil, i'v gotten loads of treasure drops from that.
  14. CoTD. Destroyer sucks at drops and payout in general. Were to CoTD you have good payout. A reasonable among of drops.
  15. Lol sorry, i read the sentence wrong.
  16. Destroyer gives most like I got 20 on 1 EB