Best EB and War build?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ______iKnightzBator___, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. I like doing ebs and I love to war too. But lately I have been trying to find the best build to make the most plunder in ebs but also have the best war build also. Do any of you kaw mates know a good eb and war build?

    Happy KaWing!
  2. Guild Hansel
  3. Build the Defense heavy troop buildings, build Titans lair and Torture Gardens and ad 4 vols in dere too
  4. An best eb is Haunts,but can tend to be boring, try Origins or reck
  5. Hansel. Guild Hansel.
  6. I currently have the highest plunder per hour EB build in the game. I can average 4b an hour in haunting with items, however my build is weak for wars.