Best builds to earn money in EB's

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *ThisNamesTaken (01), Oct 20, 2011.

  1. What is the best build to earn money in EB's? Answer NOW.
  2. Most likely Hansel.
  3. How is there still not a clear answer to this lol. I'm hearing different things every time.
  4. 11 coe rest SOS pretty much hybrid and you don't need pots to hit.
  5. A hansel, but with more than 1 atk bldg
  6. @kracken
    A hansel cannot, by it's very nature, have more than one attack
    Building. More than one attack building makes a hybrid.

    And yes. Hansel pays the very best on most eb
  7. Mine is the best in the whole entire worldî”—
  8. The best EB build is actually a hybrid build with only guilds and CoE(more guilds than CoE)