It's hard to say now. Early off in the game it's best to become a SH with approximately 10 or so attack buildings. Since t6 level 4/5 are out plunder has been increased for larger builds. So I would say a hybrid would make most at a large size, no towers.
Hybrid overall. Hansels make just above ally plunder amount with attacks, but gain a MUCH greater end bonus due to more assassinations, however if unloading, think of it like this.. Your at 80% spies and you assassinate, you get roughly 80% of the amount you would get if you were at 100% (roughly) so the lower you go, the less you make. There is no ally plunder taken into account. I have a towered hansel that earns 97m per hit on hte, but around 140(if I remember correctly) for first assassination. Attack builds when they unload troops cannot earn less than ally plunder value, and can earn a lot more than it (I earn 162m first hit on hte, my MAP is 111m) Hybrids are a mix of both.