Best build?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -xo-, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. What to you guys think is the best build in KaW? If doesn't matter what the build is made for, just what do you think is the best?
    My personal favorite that I don't see many people have is
    25 x Elven Temple (T6 - L3)
    25 x Volary (T3 - L3)
    24 x Circle of Elementals (T4 - L3)
    1 x Castle (L3)
  2. Sorry wasn't finished accidentally posted
    Attack and defense are 9,073,566
    Spy attack and defense: 4,058,500
  3. That's not good for war. There is no "best" build- it depends on whether you do war or EBs.
  4. 1 stable and 3 forges is sound build
  5. That can be the best eb build in my opinion
  6. That build is not good for wars
  7. Different builds are good for different things. My favorite hfbc is 2.6mil troop attack, and the rest balanced troop defense (from towers ) and spy stats. That's what I'm hoping to be one day
  8. 1 lookout tower
    1 T1-L1 Defense tower
    Tear down your castle, No one needs that puny bs

    There you have it,the beast OSW and war build.
  9. Updated:
    Step 1: Tear down your castle. Castle?pffft, get rid of that bs
    Step 2: explore all 74 lands - that's a gangstas life yo, gotta conquer and get feared yo
    Step 3: build trees on all hf lands. Trees r good fo a gangsta 's hideout. Gotta hide in tat tree n ur invincible yo
    Step 4: build colonies on all hl. Highlands make you high yo. Da colonies give u da minions 2 gather then weed. More high yo
    Step 5: leave lowlands blank, No one needs that puny bs lowlands. Not in a million gangtas yo
    Step 6:


    true gangstas need No build yo. They own everyone with their minds yo. Tear down every building.

    Step 8:


    TRUE gangstas need No kaw yo. Reset and go do some gangsta stuff
  10. ^You failed to do your own guide.
  11. I'm on this bs andriod bs. Auto correct got my guide messed up yo
  12. Lmfao, nice guide gangster
  13. Re:

    That ending was awesome
  14. It's not the build , it's the player behind said build