Best Build?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by l___RedHawk___l, Oct 29, 2013.

  1. Help a noob here.
    what build is the best build for maximizing plunder in an eb? sorry i just want to know, thanks friends!
  2. Plain attack build makes most when competed. Fastest way to grow when small is probs GH. (guild hansel).
  3. what does guild hansel mean? im just trying to maximize stats as fast as poissible and i want to know the best way how.
  4. Guild hansel... Attack builds are becomin less and less :,(
  5. Guild hansel is one troop building, then all the rest are guilds.
  6. i dont get what gH is lol. help?
  7. GH is short for guild Hansel. A Hansel has one troop building and the rest have spies. A GH has one troop building, and the spy buildings are guilds.
  8. p guild hansel is one troop building(barracks stable etc.) and rest guilds good for quick land exploration but small stats to get stats quick as well build level 3 guilds on lowlands(ll) until you unlock all 25 lands then decide on what kind of build you want ie. hansel attack hybrid then build appropriate buildings
  9. Gh is garbage I don't know why the game favors them so much.
  10. Turtle builds rock and makes tons of plunder.
  11. A hansel is a build that is 25% or less troop buildings. A hybrid is a build that has more than 25% troop buildings but less than 75%. A attack build has more than 75% troop buildings.
  12. Hi Jaso.

    There are 2 ways of looking at this:

    1) best build for getting the most lands quickly, or
    2) best build for having the best stats for fighting

    If you do option 1, you can get a lot of lands within 4-6 months, depending on your level of play, but you will have weak stats.

    If you do 2, your stats will grow continuously, but may take you 6-12 months to getting those lands.

    Personally, I recommend option 1 because, as you spend more time with kaw and learn the ins and outs, you can easily switch over to option 2 without too much loss. But you suffer a dramatically bigger loss if you try to switch from option 2 to option 1.

    So, with that in mind, here is how to become a Guild Hansel and make the most money per day in the most efficient way possible:

    1) ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have MP (maximum plunder) every step of the way
    2) ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS hit the item phases of an EB hard!

    3) By the time you reach your 900 mil land, you should have:
    -6 guilds
    -the rest in forges/bestiaries (I prefer bestiaries...but have at least ONE of them)

    4) Let land price determine what you should do. If it is cheaper to upgrade a building than by the next land, then definitely upgrade. Otherwise, buy your next land. And refer back to #1.

    5) When your next land costs 900 mil:
    - upgrade all your guilds to level 4 one by one,
    - sell an attack building and replace with a guild and upgrade it to level 4
    - continue doing this until you have one bestiary left, then convert it to a level 3 War Aviary

    4) When you reach land #25, you should have 1 War Aviary and 23 lvl4 guilds, and 1 castle

    5) Next explore the highlands and continue building lvl4 guilds.

    6) When you reach land #29, you can (if you's not necessary), convert your aviary to a lvl 3 Circle of Elements (CoE) for about 15 bil.

    7) Upgrade your Castle to level 1

    8) Participate in Figure of Death as often as you can to get that Diamoniferous sword (the feather sword). It will lower the amount of attack pots you need to hit Haunting.

    9) Continue building level 4 guilds until you have all 50 lands (lowlands and highlands).

    10) Use your GH stats to get into EE war clans and try to get EE level 5. By now, you will know a LOT about KaW and doing EE wars will be tons of fun.

    KaW has a lot to offer and there are some VERY BIG mountains to climb...but we've all been where you are at. You'll make friends and enemies and there will be no small amount of drama along the way. It's all part of KaWdiction. Have fun and enjoy the ride.

    Best of luck to you.
  13. The almighty stable build.
  14. Personal preference
  15. Go straight for my build.
  16. Hansels are so hot right now