Best Build Type?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by N1soccer45, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. What is your build type maybe you are a hansel and like to steal gold without people knowing... Or maybe hybrid type? Or there is the attack build that focuses mainly on soldier strength. What build are you? And explain why you think your build tupe is the best.
  2. They are all powerful at certain things and weak in other aspects of the game. Depends on your style ;)
  3. I'm a hybrid build, and I hate it. I was in the middle of converting to attack when they announced T5, so here I am, not sure what the hell I should be doing.
  4. I agree with chief.
  5. My main is a 4.5 mil hansel, and this account is a hybrid. I prefer hansel because I war a lot; however, hybrid does make good gold.
  6. When considering your build it's important to consider how you like to play. Use the kaw calculator by stoneford as an aid (I do). Consider the benefits of each build and what they require support them ... BFA, pots etc. consider the benefits ... Such as a hybrid can hit a hansel when an attack build can't (I will let you consider/discover when that situation is)

    Some thoughts of mine .... Given the new system war updates a hybrid build is soon to become popular... Any thoughts why I say this??

    Also ... A pure spy with an open land will be particularly advantageous in the new system wars ... Thoughts why? Consider a benefit which could be used when you built your kingdoms 

  7. Hybrid if you will not war, EB only. If you war with Hybrid you will be destroyed. Pure spy can push around pure attack, but attack can push around pure spy (if they fail so they know who hit them!). Hansel you have some of the advantages of pure spy, but with a LOT of equipment/attack potions you might be able to hit attack build with troops... Currently (semi?) hansel, altered. All spy besides a handful of CoE, converting to SoS atm. Hansel is my best build, but everyone has their own preference.
  8. Not correct. You get a hybrid with 5 tr in decent allies you have a formidable opponent. A hybrid can be played in any aspect. SW and EB, or chuck 10 towers in for an osw. I see to many people slacking off hybrids :p
  9. But it takes a while to get 5tril in allies
  10. Anything worth doing takes a while. Growing takes a while too, why not just quit the game if you're so impatient? Or you can spend rl money to grow faster.
  11. Hansel is my favorite build type cuz it just straight up owns.
  12. [​IMG]
    Def build/good amount of spies.