Best build to get a lot of money? help me before i upgrade.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Cokes (02), Jul 12, 2012.

  1. What is the best buil to get big money in ebs? Please help me before i upgrade. Thanks i'm new btw
  2. Attack buildings. There's no spy builds in top 200 for a reason. Guilds are top for plunder up to highlands then you need to build titians. And remember allies allies and more allies 
  3. This is spam
  4. All are pretty damn close, dont **** up your build to be an EB warrior, go with attk builds, 1 SOS, and like 5 or 6 spy towers (probably my fav build)
  5. Nvm for your stats, go hansel (one troop building rest guilds level 3)
  6. End thread plz
  7. What Eric said
  8. I'll bump a thread for you
  9. Lmao what does job know about spam!