Best Beginning for making money

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xSyn_TaY, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Start making all your land slots have guilds on them then leave one land slot open for a cursed foundery this will make u the most cash at the beginning
  2. Whoa. My life is chaned
  3. Ingenious...

    Never thought of this before....


  4. reads thread. Passes out in shock
  5. 
  6. I love moose
  7. Moose is unconscious!!!!

    STRIP HIM!!!!

  8. ノ レOV乇 MOO丂乇

  9. Oh my god
    I wish I would have done this OP TEACH ME YOUR WAYS
  10. Sticky.

    Seriously. I got sticky reading this.
  11. Sounds like the genesis part of the kaw bible.

    "Yea though the owner had slots, he did'st have guilds upon them save for one which he choseth the Cursed Foundry. And the OP looked upon them and saw that they were good. And he tosseth the holy hand grenade unto the forums and counteth to 3. Not 1. Not 2. And neither did he counteth to 4. But to 3. For 3 is the number that he counteth to."
  12. Just in case some newbie reads this... the original post left out the most important part: ALLIES. Join a clan that does lots of forgotten ones, buy a couple hundred "bribery gem" items, and use a bunch of those at the start with "use item" action until you get a fail.

    Then when the battle is over and you get your reward, spend ALL of it on an ally. Then you can start making your guilds and growing like crazy. Just building guilds without the allies won't get you anywhere.