Best Author Voting Thread 1

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Warry_the_Penguin, May 27, 2013.

  1. Hello lurkers, authors and Teletubbies of all colors! Welcome to the best author polls where you get to decide who is the best author of the week.

    This weeks nominees are:
    1) lil_tiger (sorry if misspelled)
    2) twistedfate
    3) warry_the_penguin

    Vote 1 2 or 3
  2. Sponsored by the fanfic critics
  3. Forgot to add qualifications for voters
    You must have read each one of their stories before voting.
  4. Warry! I vote 2
  5. I meant I vote for Warry... Sorry Twisted
  6. I vote for Warry_The_Penguin!
    Lil_Tiger is a close second.
  7. 1) IV
    2) I
    3) III

    I vote twisted
  8. I'm voting for lil_tiger