
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllll, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. *makes retirement thread for each of my accounts*

    Yeah so like basically I'm retiring this account, but only this account because like, I still wanna play my other accounts right, yeah so also if this account is stripped, I will definitely be on forums In a few hours after totally raging about how I am NOT your inactive farm #canadiangal, ok so also like YOLO and ****. I totally hope you all enjoy my 700% legit retirement thread for this account, and look forward to the retirement threads on my other accounts. #swag #yolo #badger #bellehasnoswag.
  2. Op you are funny guy, thanks for info.
  3. Lol this is great
  4. I love you Belle <3
  5. Pweaz nooooooo badger  I can't loose you  pweaz this can not be true 

    Missing you
  6. I'm confused is this a retirement thread or a beef starting thread?
  7. This is a swag thread Rikki. Try to keep up.

  8. Swabia. :lol: :lol:
  9. I love that image Swabia

  10. I still dont get it.

    What is swag?
  11. When a dog gets really excited and its tail goes mental and starts knocking crap over. That is swag, it short for "super wag".
  12. Badg has infinite Swag.
    he is the keeper.

  13. #ilikehastags
  14. Badger, did you mean to search for "Last Rites"?
  15. Angel, as the owner of this thread, I am asking you to leave my thread, because your post is indirectly insulting towards me.
  16. I am officially appointing myself keeper of all things Swagalicious 
  17. AG, as owner of this thread, your swagless self has entered without permission, I am requesting that you leave this thread, and join the haters brigade, belle and angel will teach you everything.