First of all after the tutorial do quests until completed some. Then explore 4th land and build a WORKSHOP on it. Then post on wc or worldchat volley me I just started. You will get vollied. Explore more lands build some forges and some workshops. Join a clam ASAP. Most likely the clan would be nooby but it can probaly complete early ebs. Keep with them until you have explored 13 lands and build all lvl3 forges on them and 1 lvl2 guild. Join a stronger clan. Explore 14 land and upgrade guild to lvl 3. Keep doing ebs you will grow. Then start hiring allies for more plunder. Max plunder is cost of your next land. Then explore 15th land and start converting to war aviaries. After that keep exploring lands and putting war aviaries. Join a strong clan that does b2b hauntings and keep hittting seals. Fast upgrading. You have a strong clan and your all set. Good luck