Beginners Guide To Explode Attack Build's By RoflStomp

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Mr_Goodkat, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. If you know me in game, you know I have hit 200k stats in less than a 24 hour period. I like to speed boost to Builds, and I like to start fresh, meaning no using old OSFs or Clans. So this guide is a little gem I am going to leave the KaW Community. Some of you vets you all know these tips/tricks. In fact you use them quite regularly.

    Begin! (Just Reset or Just Started)

    You Start out KaW with 1 Guild/1 Workshop (I believe, its unimportant Ill explain why in a couple lines)

    1. Neither one of these buildings are worth anything to you. Sell the guild for now.

    Now, and I want this to be known to the KaW community, asking for vollies past 500 mil is just plain old worthless (Ill rant more later)

    2. Politely Ask in World Chat for a Volley, Make sure you say it just like this. "Hi, I just reset, I plan on being active and building Forges, please Volley me to 500 Mil. (because you will).

    3. Wait and keep yourself pinned ( The Act of pinning yourself is questing until you have no troops)

    4. You should make around 50-60 Mil off the Volley, Kindly go to your winning owner and explain that you need about 1 hour before you are going to start building.

    5. Take that 50 - 60 mil, and use it to volley other Reset players. Grow your 60 mil to 250 - 300 mil (Takes about 1 hour.)
    Tips - Only do it to people who are asking for the volley not other people saying "Volley XXXX"

    6. Destroy your other building and take that gold and Start expand building Build Forges Do them 1 at a time up to lvl 3. You should end up with around 14 of them if not a few more.

    7. You will have around 70 Mil left over. Stop questing at this point if you have an OSF or inactive, if you want to know my strategy on obtaining good inactives just wall post me (RoflStomp)

    8. Take that 70 Mil and Repeat Step 5 Only this time as soon as you hit 200 Mil Grab a very Shitty ally at 1 Mil and volley him up to 100 mil. Continue to repeat this process but instead of grabbing another crappy ally just keep putting the 100 mil into your current ally. It will Grow your plunder bonus a lot more and there is less chance that crap ally will get bought away from you. Volleying a single ally up higher means you are getting more gold for your purchase. (Also you can be hitting your OSF/ Inactives whenever u have full troops to gain more cash)

    Repeat Step 8 over and over till you have reached 1 bil in allies You are now at Max Plunder. for a bit. So now start to buy more lands. With your EARNINGS not your Ally gold. Keep building Forges till LC.

    After that the strats expand to other versions which I will add later. I hope this helps you all and I hope owners Will take not of the fact that Not everyone is going to build right away, Explode building is a much faster approach.

    If you don't believe this strat works and that number 8 is not a working strat I dare you to try it. you will be amazed at how you can make 100 - 200 mil every hour on top of what you get from your osf.

    Also Wanted to add this in. Stop Asking for Vollies when you cost 1 Bil. That is something you need to coordinate with your current owner/Clan. Its absolutely worthless for you to be vollied at that point and if you follow this guide you will be making at the very least 70-80 mil an hour off troops.

    I hope you all enjoy the Strat. Don't be afraid to wall me with questions. This is just very basic starting strat but I will be happy to post an advanced BC strat later.

  2. Re: Beginners Guide To Attack Build's By RoflStomp

    How do you get people to volley with you?
  3. Re: Beginners Guide To Attack Build's By RoflStomp

    Watch World Chat, There is always people volleying New Resets up to 500 mil, when they ask for a volley, just jump in. Since you are only going to 200 mil tops generally you will not end up with the ally, but even if you do, you have increased your PB (Which most people need anyways).

    also, if they new reset follows my guide. He will be a very good ally stat wise and most likely will get picked up from you at the 100-200 mil range.
  4. Bump! Come on lets hear some feedback.
  5. I am, best volley of KaW career for me. 
  6. Thanks gid greatest owner ever
  7. Very clever
  8. Good guide for beginners. I actually used most of these methods myself when I began and reset.
  9. I JUST reset. And in 2 hours my stats are 120 k combined...
  10. And the annoyomus person that adopted me is a 200 k attack and defense (purespy). And he let's me hit. I made prob 40 m off him. thx
  11. Thanks for the support
  12. maybie noobs might start playing the game right... Ah who am i kidding...bump
  13. nice guide i think ill be trying it soon, cuz im noob lol
  14. Does it really work I never reset b4 but want to but I'm owner of my clan
  15. Yes it really works day 3 and I'm buying my 900 mil land
  16. wow extremely nice guide full sapport this kneads 2 be stickied

    and this DOES WORK i dont even need 2 test it (because i already do this and im a genius anyways :))
  17. well except that i dislike attack/defense builds of any kind in general because its quite lame and spies get annoying. spy builds take significantly longer but r by far the most efficient builds -cough- hansels -cough- pure spies arent as efficient -cough- -starts choking- -dies-
  18. certified by crap :) i highly recommend ppl that r smart enough to do this to please do this !