1. Volley to 1b 2. Explore 9 lands 3. 1 Castle, build 6 Forges & 2 Guilds 4. Upgrade Forge to lvl 3 and Guilds to lvl 2 5. Buy 400m in allies 6. On lands 10-15 build Forges to lvl 3 7. Upgrade Guilds to lvl 3 8. Buy 16th land and build Sub Factory lvl 2 9. Replace Forges one at a time to Subs lvl 2 10. Upgrade all Subs to lvl 3 11. On lands 17-19 build Subs lvl 3 12. Upgrade Guilds to lvl 4 13. On lands 20-25 build subs lvl 3 14. Upgrade your Castle
Real nice , looks great , this should help many new players to KaW and save us veterans time explaining lol. Nice job young lady
It's a beginners guide , it's perfect for people starting off, by the time they finish following the guide they will have learned the fine tuning stuff, this guide follows the basic "buy land unless it's cheaper to upgrade " rule , it's a helpful thread .
i like it, its easy to follow and I bet it helps clear a lot f stuff up to nervous noobs that just start. lol. nice work, simple and efficient
Same thing I was thinking smilez. Change the name please, post pictures, and put more depth into it. I could do this while drunk and half asleep.
Mik, log on to your PC, and search through forums for some of Nobody's posts. You'll see he is 10x the better player than you, and another 10x the better forumer.