Emerald Hornets first began to appear yesterday in limited numbers during various epic battles. The Hornets continue to swarm, and are appearing more frequently from Epic Battles, and have as well started making an appearance in Round and Individual Wars. "What is this Hive, and why is it trying to consume us?" you may ask, and the answer still remains a bit of a mystery. What we do know for certain is that by participating in Epic Battles, as well as Wars you'll be able to earn these Emerald Hornets, and upon collecting 1000 of them they will automatically form a Hornet Swarm. These Hornet Swarms will be required for an upcoming Epic Battle, which according to rumour has some valuable treasures awaiting those who manage to complete it. Note: Any Emerald Hornets used during regular EB's, Wars, or Attacks will be returned the next time you restart the app.
I don't know... have hornets ever been known to be good? In time For now, you can simply continue to play as you normally would and accumulate Emerald Hornets.