Building guide For new players! This is mostly a building guide, but also breezes over some other things too. So your big volley is finished and you may ask for help. Most people will say buy nine lands then build forges. Well , lands are more expensive than buildings after some work with lands you will see. So use all of that money to get 14 lands and upgrade your guild to lvl 2 . Then buy all forges upgrade them to lvl 3 but save 1 or 2 spaces for lvl3 bestiaries. Beasteries give balance and have 100 more soldiers then other buildings at lvl 3. lvls high lvl that can make a big difference when attacking. Now your lands are filled and your earning about 1 mil per attack it should look like this I have 3 beasteries you can also do that) Allies Now you should get allies! Save up 50 m and buy the one with hightest plunder bounus. That will give you more money while attacking. ( until your stats go up a lot other stats other than plunder doesnt matter much) Pro packs I urge you to buy a pro pack. They help your stats a lot. Once you become a great player depending on which one you get you can get a huge bonus. Again depends on what you get and how strong you are. Right now mine looks like this (it's not much now but will be soon) Different pro packs are Hope u liked it If I missed any info post about it
This is a guide for new players to learn the basics of building allies and buying items(pro packs) I quickly went over them so some can understand.
I understand it needs more detail but this is for new players to understand some basic topics I'm not their mentor. I just give them a little hint on what to do
Wrong Forges don't help with your plunder yes they give attack strength but I recommend War Cathedral to new players they give 5% bonus to Allie plunder so if a new player finds someone nice teach them to volley and transfer them gold while keeping all the bad allies then guides them on building you make more plunder than forges
Yes later in the game war cathedrals and other defensive items are better but in order to get money you need to have lvl 3 forges. If you have war all war cathidrals how will you make a sucsessful attack?