battle tax reward system pvp based

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. This idea requires the devs to change a few features that hopefully are already in the pipeline.
    Particularly the clan rank and role system due to the fact senior members would need to allocate rewards.
    Obviously if your clan doesn't treat it's members fairly you need a new clan before anyone asks that part

    Clan bank looted from battlefield.
    Your clan picks up the gold from fallen soldiers off the battlefield ie the difference between what you take and what the enemy loses is added to the clan bank with pvp actions. Think of this as a battle tax similar to war tax but it adds plunder based on pvp plunder actions directly to the clan bank that you are in at the time. The player themselves don't get a benefit from the battle tax nor do they lose anything because of it. But there clan does. Which directly benefits all members and this accumulative wealth can be directed where the clan needs it the most. Whether that is helping its weakest members grow or to fund strips or purchase armour for its members by giving them a large mith quantity.
    This enables osw players to slowly acquire better equipment without having to ee yet acknowledging that all their actions are pvp which to date doesn't seem to be rewarded.

    The battle field tax would work at a bonus of approx 2% of all pvp plunder actions of any member being rewarded to the clan bank. It does not deduct gold at all from the pvp actions just directly adds a bonus to the clan bank.
    Steal 100gold off another player and 2 gold are added to the bank.
    I'm not doing silly numbers as I want to keep it productive for an entire clan to participate rewarding osw and pvp players yet making it so that it is not worth the effort of a single player to try and exploit the system by farming an alt.

    Ideally the developers could implement an alliance war system with surrender options to allow clans to enter and leave with minimum entry being 48 hours with no final time duration so the supported osw could last Indefinitely no constraints on entrants builds purely making it possible to recognise an osw and rewarding those taking part. Winner takes all making it that bit more important to force your enemy to surrender
    Enter on alliance side a or b obviously this is the section that needs the most input as to how this would work but the base idea is for clan A to instigate a war with clan B.
    clan C comes along sees its alliance clan A is in osw and requests to join the war through clan A. Clan A accept the request and clan C enters the war on the side of clan A. The same can be done for clan B for as many as would like to join the war supporting whichever factions they choose.
    To leave the war a clan must surrender and forfeit any reward from the tax system last clan / alliance wins.

    This changes nothing as to osw system other than recognising those involved and adds a formal surrender and win recognition to the game. No other system rules apply other than to offer rewards based on minimum actions pvp actions.
    ebs quests and other activities all work as normal.

    1v1 war system or an opt in battle list option. Including random drops on an opt in battle list.

    Matching including battle list would need to include bfe / bfa more than currently to stop build drop accounts farming which would destroy the pvp principle

    The advantage of a clan bank is that unlike a normal player it can buy mith at cost of clans strongest member x 3 admin must agree who to distribute it too. =In exploitable solution.

    This is an alternative proposal than asking for increased direct plunder from pvp that we all know people would exploit farming alts.

    Though that said I would like to see an increase inline of plunder with the amount of pots used by the attacker, not a full refund of pots used but a % to reduce the cost of pvp play.

    Whichever system is implemented should be an opt in pvp system to prevent a further separation between pvp players and eb players. Forcing eb players to become victims is as unfair as it is to stop those who enjoy pvp play being forced to eb and ee if they want to match stats and equipment.

    These are just suggestions to try and balance the game not dramatically change any aspect of it. Tweaking areas and recognising off system play yes but it wouldn't prevent anything that can happen now but will add value to the most active players and their clans

    Additionally the devs recently announced they will be adding drops to so e aspects of pvp. This is great news and I would like to thank them for responding to the requests of players.

    Trolls stay off
    TL DR don't waste time commenting. If you can't read you have no right to reply
  2. Interesting idea... Very easily a used tjough a bunch of people could boost one person to the LB like a rocket
  3. Might be abused. But i like the idea
  4. I'm personally not sure they need a new system for PvP. They are adding a drop system already. The whole premise of being in a clan is for group protection. Having to use the old battle list keeps that dynamic intact, and should deter heavy farming for most players. Systemizing PvP has already been done. Twice. System wars, and EE. I really haven't ever seen a need for OSW style reform in this game. People always seem to fighting about something. As it is now, you still have some kind of choice already if you want to play that way or not. Putting a time limit on it kind of makes it lose it's luster in my eyes. There are already timed events.

    As far as a opt in list you would have to have some kind of timer no? Or we could opt in unload and opt out? And drops would only come out of the opt in system?

    I really do not have a opinion on the other features. I probably wouldn't be real supportive of a clan bank, but that's just me. It wouldn't stop me from playing the game if it was done.

    Apologies if I seem overly critical. It was the first thought I had.
  5. Very easily abused, the top idea. I could hit RedStar for example who has 30-40 trillion out because he decides to be nice... He loses 300 billion, I make 70 million. The clan makes roughly 299.93 billion a hit. Hmmm... No exploit there.
  6. Hit RedStar? I think even if his stats were like 1k cs we would fail cause of that bfa.
  7. The gold in the clan bank should be used to buy bronze bars which are distributed by the end on each week.
  8. The clan bank thing is confirmed. Correct me if I'm wrong.
    Wonder how exactly it will work...
  9. The reasons behind the idea and using the ideas already confirmed to back these ideas is two fold.
    One to out extra benefit to being in a clan and rewarding pvp players with a bonus similar to eb rewards.
    Thus far that part is neglected.
    Battle list will be good for random farming but as has been pointed out by many osw players its useless when it comes to helping a clan farm specific war targets.
    A recognised osw system that incorporates multiple clans may be a thought as it allows rewards for active osw adds incentive for players drops from a genuine war without taking away any normal aspect of the game.
    Yes there are some exploits which is why for the battle list opt in it needs some dev algorithm to control it and it would be self limiting. Mad for farming red star I don't see many players opening themselves up for prolonged periods for a 2% bonus To another clan.
    The battle list drops should hopefully work well if implemented properly but as I said if your on fixed targets it does nothing to aid the players unlike farming an eb.
    And if your clan leaders use all the gold to make one of them an lb player would you really be happy helping that clan gain anything ?
  10. Only if exploited the same as current war system could be used as a lame pwar
    The alliance war system wouldn't be exploited as much if at all
    Zaft vs umbrella wouldn't be utilised as a pwar one would hope.
    It's merely a way to link multiple clans into one war system that changes no existing mechanic.
  11. Corruption, exploitation, greed, some of the many words this idea springs to mind lol Support (OSW Clans need more excuses to push the button)
  12. See, I kinda thought when all the PvP drop talk started people just wanted their palms greased just a little bit.

    Like if you are putting up 10-30 thousand PvP actions every few months, maybe there should be something more to show for it. Something that was out of system.

    Maybe that's why I'm having a hard time understanding the need for a new developer created system. Other than possibly being cool for looking at stats and stuff.
  13. Talon you have something against pvp players ?
    Shok it's simple
    Eb players have lots of drops and incentives to hit the ebs. Lots of gold from ebs that don't hit back.
    You pick a eb at a lvl where you can play without making a loss potting up and get tasty equipment for it.
    Osw you get harsh targets that hit back burn your pots and strip your allies. No perks it's all about who loses the most and lasts the longest.

    People have been asking for a way to balance that deficit in the game.
    This is an attempt to get people to discuss that deficit and restore a balance without destroying eb players games by turning them into farm targets for pvp players which would damage the game and likewise keep pvp players interested without being left behind.

    No attempt to look cool I was asked to see if I could suggest anything and beyond the 1v1 idea already in ideas this is the start of an idea that needs work.
    The biggest hurdle in pvp is avoiding potential exploits that I can assure you almost everyone looks for and given the opportunity will use. Hence why that part of the game has lagged behind.
    Battle list by devs is a good start but why not discuss more ideas that shouldn't be too hard to implement?
    Worst prospect someone comes up with a bad idea no one wants. Best result genius idea that improves the game no end for most players.
    So get the ball rolling
  14. Eb Fairys are some of the nastiest pvp builds in kaw lol, just look at most of the LB with there fairy builds, they are untouchable on the battle field, this idea dedfinately enhances there ability to run the ally economy
  15. @talon the LB are starting to war too. Scary.
  16. I supported the idea did u not notice?
  17. this is one of them ideas where i will need to see it working to judge if its good or not since it sounds good but could completly fail like the ee wars did :|
  18. Talon just think how nice it would be to destroy an eb fairy build if they sign up for it. 
    Or they evolve and enjoy more aspects of kaw.
    Tiger. Yes it would be one. That's one thing I like about kaws mentality at the moment. They are starting to trial more ideas and implement changes and discussions. If they tried this for a week or a month and it failed fair enough ( hoping that wouldn't be the case and don't think it will. But--- ) joy is if it works it could be left in place or improved. If not they can scrap it and say that's why we didn't do it before. 

    I'm hoping they trial more options without taking anything away from what we all love and enjoy.