battle list wednsday

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Domo, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Ok fellow kawers this is an old concept devised by yarmes. I'm not hearing much in the kaw community about hitting up the battle list. It's making me kind of sad.
    Kaw is just not about hitting a Eb. It's more than that. It's about blasting ppl with full troops and pinning them. Testing your strength against others bigger and or smaller.
    Trust me you will have more fun hitting ppl on the battle list than Eb. Some of the best times and funniest times were the banter you get on your wall. Go to the battle list and have fun. Some of the best wars have broke out from a battle list hit.
    So I call on the kaw community to hit up your battle list. Hell put your hits in wc and watch everyone come alive. You can still hit ebs on other days. Try it. It will give you better knowledge of the fighting mechs in this game

    Happy kawing
  2. I was just thinking about that
  3. But I thought it was still going :/ or died out
  4. Lol READ my forum and tell me I'm NLT doing that xD
  5. It's died out. I'd like to see it more in wc
  6. Domo

    Look at apology to IISIIHIIAIIUIINII
  7. Definitely
  8. WC roulette. You telling me you've never seen it?
    Or the occasional 
  9. Different game
  10. Everyday i hit a guy 6 times on BL to see if i get inc , and it never happens :roll:
    I also play WC Roulette every 2-3 days and that's always fun hitting an AD lol. But again no incoming :|
  11. I know. Different game same idea. Why make a specific day the day you hit BL... Do it every day.
  12. Everyday is Battle List Wednesday ;)
  13. Would hate if ever day was a Wednesday :p
  14. Battle list Wednesday was not devised by Yarmes it originated in CR he just brought it to the public.
  15. Lol. Yeah true but I think if you hit hard enough you will get the if you pin the lucky chosen one. It'll take more then 6 hits to bump them from Eb. Post the hits in wc and if pinned.
  16. BLW was originally created as a clan activity. It was a day where you would halt all EB's for 24 hours and everyone would do nothing but hit the BL.

    No one ever said you couldn't hit the BL on any other day of the week. But Wednesday was the day that everyone did it together.
  17. Great !! Then bring it into wc. Think it would break up the ads a bit
  18. Is there really that many Eb noobs out there?
  19. didn't really need a thread about this.... Moose battle mechanic thread has to do with battle list..... I hit battle list and people who follow me when I'm bored.........