battle list rewards

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Harvesters, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. I see alot of "battle list 2x gold please", but from what I have seen so far it might not happen. So we need to think of something new.

    This idea will make battle list pay better and actually isn't that complicated. Each day there is a 24 hour timer that starts on your profile and restarts at the end. Under the timer there is something that says: "battle list hits".

    Next to the "battle list hits" it counts different attack actions you have done on the battle list. The counted attacks reset along with the clock. When you reach a certain amount of a specific action being won it gives you gold.

    Here's a chart of it

    When you get 125 scouts won you get a free 1bil

    When you get 100 attacks won you get a free 1bil

    When you get 115 assassinations won you get a free 1bil

    When you get 75 steals won you get a free 1bil

    That is just an outline of the idea, more things can be added.

    Such as smaller stat people getting less gold for actions won so a 30kcs doesn't get 1bil, but that comes later, first I need support.

    So tell me what you think, and what should be added, thanks.
  2. Good idea. I like the outline. Obviously this isn't a final copy, and the numbers aren't correct, but I like the idea.
  3. Not 1 bill,to overpowered,meaby 500 or 250 mill,that would make it better
  4. I'd just keep refreshing my battle list until I saw my alt or a willing clan mate. Boom. Free hits.
  5. Great idea. Full support, can't wait for the final copy.
  6. Wins? Or just in generally
  7. I think the payout should be somewhat similar to nob payout. Maybe tweaked a bit.
  8. Draxton...honestly i think the odds of that are lower than low lol
  9. KOMORA, it would be wins, but know to sure.
  10. Since devs want you to do ee and double gold eb so they get xstal money, they won't change anything with the bl... As stupid it is, it is the truth -.-
  11. Just to make it easier for gold payout just give them 15 nobs so they get however much for thier stats. That's my thoughts but I like anything that helps PVP
  12. Payment seems fine because you can make around 30bil a day with haunts so 4 bil a day from battle list isn't that much of an exploit. Obviously change pay ratios to potential plunder earned of certain build ranges but it is a very solid idea. Support 
  13. I think it should pay the equivalent of what a mith bar costs at your stats o_O
  14. And most of all...

  15. Probably better. One good unload with troops and double gold could give you 6.5b, not including spies :)
  16. That's a great idea, lets up it to 10bil :D
  17. I don't know, I've always viewed PVP as something that doesn't need a reward. Still interesting, though.